2013年8月14日 星期三

Bing Google Yahoo Baidu - SEO

Some days ago, Bing's Duane Forrester published a list of things that influence the position of a website in Bing's results. Although the list was for Bing, it is very likely that the same factors also influence the position of a website on Google.
15 things you should pay attention to

According to Duane Forrester, the following 15 elements have a positive influence on the rankings of your web pages (if used correctly):

Title tags
Meta Descriptions
Clean URLs
Images and Alt descriptions (also called alt tags)
H1 tags
Social sharing options
Unique content
Depth of content
Matching content type to visitor expectations (text, images, video, etc.)
Usability Page load times (to a certain point – faster is great, but not at the expense of usability and usefulness)
Crawlability (AKA discoverability, so can we actually get to all your content)
News – if you are actually a new site, submit for inclusion
All of these elements can contribute to the rankings of your website. However, you should make sure that you use these elements correctly. If you stuff the H1 tags on your website with keywords, this will have a negative effect on your website's rankings. You have to understand why an H1 tag is important to a reader, and learn how to write optimized content for them. Just 'having' a tag in place doesn't mean that your tags are doing everything they can for you.

